Now that  Sara’s Bas-Mitzvah celebration and the December graduation has passed, it’s Finals Week and the semester is done. There are still a few more events at Shabbos House, see below:


Tuesday, December 9th, the eve of UAlbany’s Reading Day. 10pm-Midnight (or 12:30am) at Shabbos House, with ice-cream, cereal and milk, pancakes and hot brownies etc. Come to hang out, get into a good mood, watch a film titled “Full Court Miracle”. Come and go as works for you. It will be a snowy night, come if you can.

On Wednesday Night check out Dutch Kosher’s “Food for Finals” 9pm-11pm. There’s a possibility that Rabbi Mendel and Raizy will once again be “celebrity-servers” there again this year.


Hillel Dinner in the Campus Center Room 375, Prayers 6pm with dinner at 7pm. Shabbos morning Minyan at Shabbos House, followed by 12:30pm Lunch. It’s the last Shabbat of the semester, and of 2014 at UAlbany.


One last time befroe Winter Break. Minyan at 11am, Brunch follows with a little Talmud study.


Tuesday night, December 16th is the first night of Chanukah. Some of you may already be home with your families, others may be one foot out the door, some of you have to be here through the 18th. If you are up here we’re doing an “In and Out Finals Week Chanukah”. Come by anytime on the first night of Chanukah 5774 / 2014 between 5pm and 9pm to light the first candle, eat (or help make) some delicious sizzling homemade Latkes, get some Suganiyot jelly dripping down your chin, or take a spin at a Dreidel with freinds. It’s not a formal event due to the lateness of Chanukah this year, so come and go as works for you. Look for exciting Chanukah programs next year!