With Thanksgiving behind us, the Fall 2017 semester now enters its homestretch… wishing everyone much success in these final few weeks.
Two Torah-Tuesdays left now (Nov 28 and Dec 5), the third (Dec 12) is already first night of Chanukah and the night before Finals begin. Midnight Breakfast (breakfast foods and movie between 10pm and Midnight) will be on Monday Night (Dec 11th) the night before Reading Day.
AIPAC event on Dec 4th: Interesting in the politics of the Middle East? Concerned about Israel? This talk at Beth Emeth (on Academy Road, rides available) will focus on the increasingly unsettling unrest on Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon – and the Iran geopolitical plays behind it.
Shabbat Dinners December 2017: at Shabbos House (Dec 1st and 15th), Hillel’s last dinner of the Semester (Dec 8th). Plus Hillel’s annual Semi-Formal will be Sat Night December 2nd at the Interfaith Center (for perhaps the last time at that location?).
#AddMorePages! Look for our 3rd annual 24-hour crowdfunding online matching campaign, this year starting 1 pm on Monday December 4th through 1 pm on Tuesday, December 5th. This year’s theme will be #AddMorePages to the Book of Jewish Life at UAlbany! Our base goal is $64K and we hope to surpass it, if possible. The link goes live 1pm on Mon Dec 4th: www.Charidy.com/ShabbosHouse
On a personal note: Raizy’s youngest sister Sarah is getting married to Mendel Perlstein (of Chicago) on Wednesday December 6th! Sorry, no Albany Sheva Brachos this time.
Final-ly Chanukah! This year all of Chanukah falls during Finals Week, so we’re going with a “final-ly” theme and lighter (Chanukah pun-intended?) events. Nice party on the first night, and then open-door for Menorah and nibbles, plus some Chanukah treats for finals coming around. Stay tuned for details and schedule.
Looking forward to Spring 2018 semester, save these important dates:
2/16-17: Alternate Parents Weekend at Shabbos House
2/23: Shabbat 360!
2/28-3/1: Purim UAlbany!
3/30-4/7: Passover Seders & Holiday Meals
5/18-21: Extended Graduation Wknd with Shavuot Holiday