More than 5o Shofars were tested, chosen, sanded, polished by students at this year’s on-campus Shofar Factory (courtesy of L’chaim, Shabbos House and Capital Chabad Centers) and there was fresh homemade honey-cake, and apple dipped in honey, too for a pre-High-Holiday festive taste and awareness. Some students who did not have Rosh Hashanah plans found out info about our services and meals. UAlbany President Jones stopped by, too! He didn’t make a Shofar, but he expressed interest and took a photo (we’ll post soon).
Special Thanks to the students who helped shlep all the equipment and materials, set-up the banner and tables, and helped man the table and help others feel comfortable and welcomed. Extra special thanks to Rabbi Abba of for his hands-on expertise and doing the hard work of sawing and drilling. Ben Zaientz test blew quite a few Shofars and made the wonderful Ollivanders Wand Shop analogy to “the Shofar chooses you!” Raizy stood out there for the entire tabling time, greeting people and explaining what it was all about, and informing students of upcoming events, especially Rosh Hashanah.
Next on-campus L’chaim Table will be our “Mitzvah Table” on Wednesday 9/11. Stay tuned!