Minyan Bagel Brunches used to be a monthly event but thanks to the dedication and commitment of this year’s Minyan Regulars we’re trying to keep it up every week, and we’re now in the second semester of keeping it weekly!

Sunday February 9th was the “Womens Spa for the Body and the Soul” and the whole main floor was set-up and being prepared for that event. But we wanted to keep up the weekly Minyan momentum so we prayed downstairs and enjoyed a Bagel Brunch around the big green table (courtesy of the Sykes family and the former Party Warehouse). Sorry this picture caught a few still eating their bagel but it is a testament to weekly Minyan dedication.

Some of the guys actually preferred the Minyan down in the basement, maybe we’ll look into doing it down there sometimes.

Another memorable aspect of this particular Minyan was a comment made by Aaron W. Several of the group saw the Lego Movie the night prior, and were discussing that its quite the meaningful film and there are many lessons in it. Aaron said: “Mendel would really find a lot of lessons in the Lego Movie!”