The 2024 Shabbos House giveaway, is a useful* Mason-Jar that reads “Our Door is Always A-Jar for You!”  — so here’s a thread of thoughts on this “door ajar” concept:

In the Midrash of Song of Songs 5, G-d tells the Jewish people: “Open for me (as small as) the eye of a needle, and I will open for you (in return) the door of a Great Hall!” — Ajar doesn’t have to be much, it’s a narrow opening that can easily open very wide!

Re: the power of even a small opening, we have a vivid memory of rain flooding, the street drain and being called Moses – see the Great Dane Drive Drain story here – with a takeaway that also explains a seemingly strange word in the Shema.

Doors are wonderful devices, they are designed to smoothly hinge between open & closed, between inside/out (even degrees in-between). They have push/pull, give & take, can create privacy or open portals & connections. Just stepping over a threshold takes you into a new space.

There’s a biblical mitzvah (in the Shema) to place a Mezuzah on our doorposts. It adds G-dliness to our “comings & goings” & protects that which is within. And it can also be an expression of Jewish heritage & pride, a familiar identifying sign of a Jewish home/room.

Don’t slam the door shut! Keep open (ajar) to possibilities, opportunities & connections. But important to also know when, where and for whom to open, close (or lock) the door, that’s part of what a door is designed to do! Configure your own personal firewall as appropriate. Get a good handle on this. It is in your hands!


* Mason-Jars can be used for hot & cold drinks, to hold pens & pencils, to store small cookies, treats or snack-mix, and much more!