Eye charts work by varying sizes and distances, we can be either near-sighted or far-sighted, sometimes we’re not seeing all things, or all people, the way they ought to be seen. Corrective vision allow us to overcome biases, limitations, blind spots, and areas out of focus. Glasses and contacts lenses can help with physical eyesight, but for our mental, emotional and spiritual vision, perspective changes everything.
20/20 is a big theme this year. Not everyone is blessed with perfect vision, but perspective is something we all can work on. Torah study, Chassidic insight and personal application can and should affect the way we see ourselves, our fellows and the world around us.
The Talmud (Shabbat 113b) says that Shabbat Kiddush can restore our vision. By taking a step back from the weekday world, and entering the restorative rejuvenating world of Shabbat, we get to see the world in a new light, with Shabbat-Vision all week long.
The 3 Hebrew letters of the word SHEMA can stand for the 3 words of the verse “Lift Your Eyes Heavenward”, or as Chef Emeril would say “Kick it up a Notch!” One thing about that big P of Perspective at the top of the chart is that it draws our eye, it uplifts us to the top.
Hopefully this Shabbaton, its spirit and energy, the people we meet, the things we hear, the experience together will provide some of that uplift, so we see all things from a different vantage point = perspective!