One of our end of summer family rituals is to go to the local country fair. It gives the kids a chance to see animals, agriculture, etc. Perhaps the highlight was feeding the giraffe, even our littlest Esther-Miriam got to do it. This year we watched a series of horse races. The one that caught my eye was the “Barrel Race.” Here’s basically how it works: The rider comes up on horseback to the first barrel and picks up a flag. While holding the flag, horse and rider navigate a series of further barrel obstacles at the fastest speed they can muster, and when approaching the final barrel, the rider must deposit the flag into the barrel. If he misses? The race is void, and all that running doesn’t count. So, this isn’t just about speed. It also has a lot to do with getting the flag from Barrel A to Barrel Z.
It may not be a perfect analogy, but there are lessons that can be learned for Jewish young men and women entering four + years of a college experience. Those who came out Freshmen/Opening Weekend picked up the flag. It’s the flag of Jewish heritage, identity, community. The flag of connection to our Torah and our people. And then you have to run through the backs and forths, the ups and downs of the college experience. The goal is to keep that flag all throughout. No matter what you go through or get involved with, hold that flag through it all. Obviously, everyone can apply this message in their own way. Everyone’s definition or level of commitment, involvement and observance may vary, but whatever it is – don’t lose it. For us it is a tremendous honor to see you – and others who will join us in the weeks and months ahead – in four years time at Graduation Weekend and congratulate you on keeping your Jewish flag close to your heart throughout the complex challenges of your college years.