Mendel is back from a week in Israel, so much to share!
In short, the Chabad on Campus Kinus conference took them to visit Sderot and Nova, the Sheba Hospital, dance with troops in Leshem, and at a Torah celebration in Jerusalem’s Tent of Strength. They visited a college campus in Kiryat Ono, and heard hostage parents speak at Rachel’s Tomb, visited the Machpela and more in Hebron, welcomed Shabbos at the Kotel, and farbrenged all Shabbat at the Ramada in Jerusalem. We learned, saw & heard and experienced so much to share with students this coming year. Mendel extended for 3 more days to see alumni in Israel (so glad we got to see as many as we did!), spend quality time with Chani and Sara (now in Israel for 2 weeks), visit family, and to soak up a little more of the holy land before returning home. When Chani and Sara return we’ll post pictures, for now we have Mendel’s detailed text recaps of each day below…
For the longer version, see these online detailed recaps Mendel wrote for each day of the trip:
It’s a lot, but as it was such a meaningful and memorable trip, really wanted to document it, best I could, along the way.