Some #highholiday thoughts gleaned from #Kavanaugh & the #KavanaughConfirmationHearings taking place in the days leading up to #RoshHashanah & #YomKippur… thread >
To be clear: these are not meant to be in political or support/detract from the issues, concerns, positions etc. Only in the spirit of #BaalShemTov to learn life lessons from everything around us, the focus is on spiritual insights, life lessons & #highholiday inspiration.
The #Kavanaugh hearings before #RoshHashanah remind us that past decisions, statements & attitudes are brought up for close scrutiny & on the #highholidays. Our past is part of our present and we have to find ways to deal with it (or around it).
A Chassidic attitude to #RoshHashanah, #YomKippur & #highholidays might see it as the #Kavanaugh situation: there should be enough votes to confirm (and in our case: grant us a good year) anyways. But the grilling & questioning introspection is still part of that process.
The reason #Kavanaugh is getting so much play is because of the pivotal #SCOTUS seat, the deciding vote. This, too, reminds us of #RoshHashanah & #YomKippur, as the #Rambam speaks of always seeing ourselves & the world in equal balance, one deed makes or breaks everything.
Can’t help but notice that #Kavanaugh (in phonetic Hebrew means focus, concentration or intent) is just before #RoshHashanah #HighHolidays. We might be very divided as a nation about #Kavanaugh as #SCOTUS justice but we all need “Kavanah” (intent, focus etc) in our prayers!