It so happens that Hillel Shabbat Dinner (we alternate Friday Nights at UAlbany for decades now) went with Nintendo-themed decor.
Not sure I ever played Mario, I never had one myself, but GameBoy came out maybe a year or two … Read the rest
...This Shabbat Beshalach, when we read As Yashir – the Song at the Sea, I shared about the historic Torah scroll (from Czech Memorial Scroll Trust) on permanent public display at UAlbany’s Science Library, 3rd floor, sponsored by UAlbany alumni … Read the rest
...I happened to find this box of dragon fruit at Restaurant Depot on the eve of Yud Tes Kislev, a major Chassidic holiday that falls a few days before Chanukah.
3 reasons, actually, connecting these dragonfruits to Yud Tes Kislev … Read the rest
...There’s a lot going on this Shabbos. Was thinking of how to connect this week’s Torah portion of Vayishlach, tonight’s Chassidic holiday of Yud-Tes-Kislev, tomorrow’s huge second round playoff game for UAlbany Football, Hillel’s “Swinter” theme and the upcoming holiday … Read the rest
...On Shabbos morning before the UAlbany Football game against Monmouth (that ended 41-0 and UAlbany as first-time CAA Champions), I asked Jason F. for his prediction about this game. He answered the way he usually does: “We have to win … Read the rest
...Purple and Gold – UAlbany colors.
Purple is a composite color, a classic blend of opposite primary colors blue and red. Blue is cool, red is passionate; red is fire, blue is water. Even democrats and republicans have chosen blue … Read the rest
...This goes back a few weeks when went down to Brooklyn with a nice UAlbany group of guys for the 2023 Chabad on Campus International Pegisha. We got into Crown Heights, found parking, and went up to the Eastern Parkway. … Read the rest
...Have you heard of “The Microwave Fireplace”? Spend a relaxing evening in just 8 minutes!
It’s an old joke I read many years ago in “The Reader’s Digest” (is that still being published?) but also illustrative of an insight I … Read the rest
...As it dawned on us that a month was coming to pass since the horrific and brutal Hamas terror attacks that killed 1400 Israelis of all ages, we worked with UAlbany Hillel and the Judaic Studies Department at University at … Read the rest
...As 20th of Cheshvan is Rebbe Rashab’s birthday wanted to share this Harry Potter analogy and illustration that I shared with my middle school students earlier today.
Some may say it is sacrilegious to use fictional fanciful Harry Potter books … Read the rest