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Our Chinese Family Roots

Tonight we’re doing Chinese in the Sukkah, on the 2nd night of Sukkot, 5774. I’d like to take this opportunity to share with you how Shanghai China was an escape and haven for my grandfather R’ Moshe Rubin and Raizy’s … Read the rest

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UAlbany Israel Memories

This year we did an “around the world” theme for the first four meals of Sukkot. Our second stop (for lunch on the first day on YomTov) was Israel. We asked everyone present to share a short memory of Israel. … Read the rest

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“Fistuali Anali” An Italian story about relationships

This is a story from the book “A Life Examined is a Life Worth Living” about a couple honeymooning in Italy.

The husband spent some of his youth in Italy where his father served in the US foreign service. So … Read the rest

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YK: Shofar Blowing in Marching Band Uniform

This year, for the first time ever, UAlbany has it’s own Marching Band, which debuts in the new Bob Ford Field Football Stadium, in their first game opener tonight. Jeff asked if we would be OK to come to Neilah … Read the rest

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YK: Our Yom-Kippur Appeal

How can we go through all of Yom-Kippur without an appeal? No self-respecting synagogue would do that! We don’t want anyone to feel they’re not getting their monies worth at our High Holiday Services, so now as we stand at … Read the rest

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YK: Rain, Flooding & the Drain on Great Dane Drive

I’ve told this story years ago, back in the days of the old Shabbos House, and before Great Dane Drive was named, but the heavy rains and flooding on Thursday reminded me of this story – and it’s meaningful message.… Read the rest

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YK: Jonah and the Lego Brick

It so happens that I’ve had this Lego block at my place for most of this Yom-Kippur. It’s one of the effects of having High Holiday services in a home where children play around a lot. As we read the … Read the rest

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YK: Sunset, Sunrise, & the Rhythms of Time

Yes, I got that header right. The Fiddler song is “Sunrise, Sunset” but the famous poem on Yom-Kippur eve titled “Yaaleh” is “Sunset, Sunrise, Evening” because it captures the 25 hours of Yom-Kippur, which like all Jewish calendar days begins … Read the rest

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YK: A Yom-Kippur 2000 Conversation in Dutch Quad

Just before the start of Yom-Kippur, an alumnus posted this meaningful memory on his Facebook Wall. I in turn shared it on my FB wall, and wanted to share it on Yom-Kippur as well, because it is a unique insight … Read the rest

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The Composite Shabbos Shuvah Drasha

Most students are familiar with Rabbis’ sermons on the High Holidays. But there’s an old custom for Rabbis to give a long sermon on the Shabbos before Yom-Kippur, and on the Shabbos before Passover. Since we’re not into long sermons, … Read the rest
