Just before the start of Yom-Kippur, an alumnus posted this meaningful memory on his Facebook Wall. I in turn shared it on my FB wall, and wanted to share it on Yom-Kippur as well, because it is a unique insight … Read the rest
...Most students are familiar with Rabbis’ sermons on the High Holidays. But there’s an old custom for Rabbis to give a long sermon on the Shabbos before Yom-Kippur, and on the Shabbos before Passover. Since we’re not into long sermons, … Read the rest
...A long time ago, in Eastern Europe, a Jew was thrown into debtor’s prison a day or two before Yom-Kippur. He leased a inn or business from the local nobleman, and had fallen behind on his rent. His family was … Read the rest
...Many are familiar with Dr. Seuss’ “Yertle the Turtle” (a parable about dictators and those who abuse others in their pursuit of power) so I won’t repeat the whole story. It’s easy to find, look it up and read it.… Read the rest
...This year, the two days of Rosh Hashanah are Thursday and Friday (beginning Wednesday night) which end just as Shabbat begins. So practically speaking it creates a set of 3-days in which work is prohibited and they are filled instead … Read the rest
...This week I merited to see two Jews happily put on Tefillin outside the synagogue context, who ordinarily wouldn’t do it. One was the talented juggler at the Shalom Festival in Saratoga’s Congress Park. He rolled up his sleeve between … Read the rest
...Earlier this summer Raizy and I went up to hear Israeli/Jewish Blues Musician Lazer Llyod play at Saratoga Chabad. Lazer is a Skidmore alumn, and this was his first tour back from Israel in the US in many years. While … Read the rest
...Today Chai (18th of) Elul is the birthday of the Baal Shem Tov, founder of the Chassidic movement. There are so many beautifully inspiring stories of the Baal Shem Tov (and here little Bluma interjected that she knows a bunch … Read the rest