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What’s the Difference?

by Rabbi Shlomo Galperin

In my Brooklyn synagogue this week I heard two stories of the Rebbe, half a century apart, yet with a similar message.

The first story I heard from Rabbi Ephraim Piekarsky who was teaching a Chassidus … Read the rest

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Hearing from the Hendels

Rabbi Sholom Ber and Nechama Dina Hendel of Monsey (Raizy’s sister and brother-in-law) visited us this Shabbos with their three sons on their Presidents Weekend break. We, our children and the students really enjoyed their visit. Here are some of … Read the rest

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Remembering Zeide Piekarsky – Yartzeit Shushan Purim Kattan

Today is the yartzeit of my grandfather, Zeide Rabbi Yechiel Michel Piekarsky. He passed away almost twenty years ago. I lived in his home for ten years while studying in Yeshiva in Crown Heights, so I have many memories. On … Read the rest

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Why only a “Little Love”? Purim-Kattan Inspired

We named this Shabbos (Feb 14th / Adar I 14) “Shabbat with a Little Love”. Why only a little love? And what’s up with the magnifying glasses spread over the tables tonight?

This month the Jewish and secular calendar dates … Read the rest

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Jewish Noise

In Parshas Tetzaveh we read about the clothing and vestments of the Kohain Gadol, the Jewish High Priest, back in Temple & Tabernacle days. One of the distinctive features was a series of bells jingling from the hem of his … Read the rest

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Bells & Pomegranates: Listening?

The Torah speaks of two ornaments on the bottom hem of the High Priest’s robe: golden bells and fabric pomegranates.

Based on two interpretations of the Hebrew word btocham the commentaries differ on how the bells and pomegranates were placed.… Read the rest

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Mishkan Walls

In Parsha Terumah we read about the design and construction of the walls of the Mishkan (Desert Tabernacle).

The Torah tells us that they were beams made of acacia wood with protruding pieces that fit into sockets, and connected them … Read the rest

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Thinking Superbowl XLVIII


I’m not much of a football maven myself, but with the Superbowl played this year just over 2 hours drive from here, I had to think of some meaningful message or connection. So on Friday afternoon, I posted this to … Read the rest

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MatzahBalls as a Mesophase

MatzahBall Table 2014


Each year at our annual Matzah Ball table in the cold of winter at UAlbany we try to think of a new life-message to be learned from the Matzah-Ball. One year it was about being in a conducive and … Read the rest

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Hup Cossack & The Bear Dance

“Hup Cossack” is a melody sung at Chassidic weddings and certain festive occasions. It begins slowly and builds increasing tempo as the song progresses. Here’s the story behind the melody – and a contemporary message.

Rabbi Arye Leib of Shpola … Read the rest
