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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 4

Day 4 of the Chabad on Campus Kinus in Israel  (5784/2024) was Shabbos Day and Sat Night. We’ll start with recapping Shabbos Day and then the Motzai Shabbat recap below it…


On Shabbos morning there were two Chassidus … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 3

Day 3 of the 5784/2024 Chabad on Campus Kinus in Israel is Friday, a shorter day and a big part of it will be our visit to the Kotel and Old City and celebrating Kabalat Shabbat there before walking back … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 2

Thursday, July 11th was the 2nd day of the Chabad on Campus Kinus conference for Shluchim 5784/2024,

Let’s just start with the Israeli Breakfast, a sumptuous feast, at least in this hotel, with quite a number of different serving stations, … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Day 1

The first day at the Chabad on Campus Kinus in Israel started just as soon as we landed basically, so not on much sleep. Ben Gurion Airport seemed kind of quiet but full of welcoming signs and slogans, some quite … Read the rest

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Campus Kinus Israel – Getting There

This year (as they did earlier this summer for the women Shluchos) the Chabad on Campus Kinus Conference is being held in Israel this year. While the Kinus this year is more hectic than usual with lots of travel time … Read the rest

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Sicha Ends – absorbed on the Bleachers

So this 1987 photo came around more recently and there I (Mendel) am, 3rd from the left on the top row, standing on the bleachers at the Rebbe’s farbrengen.

This drew me down a rabbi(t)’s-hole of many memories. It’s a … Read the rest

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Collection of Rebbe Inspiration – Gimmel Tammuz 5784/2024

In past years we did a few Gimmel Tammuz Rebbe Collections on ShabbosHouse.org: including Gimmel Tammuz 2016, Gimmel Tammuz 2019 and also Gimmel Tammuz 2023 – (click on bold years for those links) including our own posts and things … Read the rest

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Rebbe’s Bedwetting (Parenting) Advice

You read that right. Parents wrote into the Rebbe in 1983 their concern with their child wetting the bed and the doctor doesn’t have a solution.

The Rebbe took the question (and questioner) seriously, and responded respectfully to the question, … Read the rest

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Bidding for the Rosh Hashanah Aliya

I saw this story just before Shabbat, and its the Shabbos before Gimmel Tammuz, the Rebbe’s Yartzeit, so thought fitting to share (and there’s a Parsha Korach tie-in, too). It’s from JEM’s MyEncounter Blog, from their first-person interviews of Rebbe Read the rest

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Torah Lessons from Campus Post-Oct 7th

Shavuot 5784/2024 is the first Jewish holiday after an extra-long year of Post-October 7th Jewish campus life, an unusual year with added tensions, stressors, challenges and opportunities. Some thoughts as we enter this holiday of the Giving of the Torah … Read the rest
