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3 Mishnas for Tzvi

This week a UAlbany student passed away. We offer our condolences to his father and family and especially to his close friends at UAlbany who greatly mourn this sudden and unexpected loss. May all those who knew him find solace … Read the rest

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“Inside, Outside, Upside Down” a reread & life-message

I happened to take a look at an old book from my childhood “Inside, Outside, Upside Down” by  Stan and Jan Berenstain, published in 1968 as an “Early and Bright Beginner Reader” book by Random House with that old familiar … Read the rest

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“A Land of Treasure” – 9 Mitzvos for Bassie’s 9th Birthday

Our daughter Bassie’s 9th (Hebrew) Birthday was this week on the 2nd of Elul. One of the first books the Lubavitcher Rebbe published was “HaYom Yom” a calendar with short rich tidbits of daily inspiration. You can see HaYom Yom Read the rest

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Why we should all become Fundamentalists

This summer has seen the rise of dangerous fundamentalist groups seizing power and large swaths of land. It didn’t make the headlines as much as it should have, but all of us have heard of the systematic and rampant ethnic … Read the rest

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A Big Gedalia Goomber Tennis Moment

by Mr. Michael B. of Brooklyn Heights

Once there were three turtles, large, medium and small, who decided to go enjoy a picnic in the park. They made sandwiches, packed up a picnic basket and made their way to the … Read the rest

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The Boats to Hogwarts

As we begin a new year, and freshmen arrive at UAlbany, some alumni have been reminsicing about their own Opening/Freshmen Weekend walking groups to Shabbos House, and quite a few vividly remembered who led their group. Sheryl C., an alumna … Read the rest

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Dingaling Hotline Avot Chapter 4 Summer 5774

The Dingaling Hotline is a Shabbos House special for the long Shabbos days between Passover and Rosh Hashanah. Each week we study one chapter of “Ethics of our Fathers” (as is traditional) in this unique fashion. Everyone participating gets a Read the rest

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Comfort that speaks to my heart

by Ben Z.

This Shabbos is known as “Nachamu” the Shabbos of Comfort, coming after the 3 Weeks, the 9 Days and Tisha B’Av. The Haftorah opens with the words, “Nachamu Nachamu Ami…” which means: be doubly comforted, my people…… Read the rest

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Guests Share on Friday Night Nachamu 5774

This Shabbat (Aug 8-9), the last Cozy-Shabbat of Summer 2014, we had the pleasure of many guest families, mostly from Toronto but also from NJ and Monsey, especially three alumni couples from the years 2001-2. On Friday Night, a number Read the rest
