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My First Article for Chabad.org

Everyone knows Chabad.org! This megasite has so much Jewish info, inspiration and Torah learning, multimedia and text, tucked away inside layer after layer. This article is my first one for them.

It’s a personal reflection on the dual feelings inside … Read the rest

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Challah and Tzitzit – Multistrand Braids

Challah (taking off a small piece of dough from each batch) and Tzitzit (religious fringes on a 4-cornered garment) are two familiar Mitzvot, both listed in the Torah portion of Shlach.

What’s their connection? Another time we highlighted the Thumbs-Up … Read the rest

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Reflections on TripleCrown Winner American Pharaoh

I can’t mention #TripleCrown without thinking of the Mishna in Ethics of Our Fathers: Rabbi Shimon would say: There are three crowns–the crown of Torah, the crown of priesthood and the crown of sovereignty–but the crown of good name … Read the rest

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Revisiting Joe Biden at the Window

President Obama Meets With Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko At The White HouseAbout a half year ago, in December 2014, memes using this photo (by Getty Images) of Vice President Joe Biden looking out of a White House window went viral. All kinds of captions were inserted, some political satire, other silly … Read the rest

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Shavuot Messages Passing Thru Syracuse

There’s a beautiful Chabad wish/greeting for Shavuot: “May you receive the Torah joyously and internally!” In Hebrew its: Kabolas HaTorah B’Simcha ub’Pnimiyus. This year (5775/2015) we saw these two messages with unique and memorable twists while passing through Syracuse … Read the rest

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Two Upstate NY 2015 Graduation Stories

Two heartwarming graduation stories happened this week in Upstate NY, both reported in the news. Each one is a beautiful story, but they have opposite, complimentary messages.

DON GREENBERG. The first story is from Binghamton. It got some national attention, … Read the rest

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Emor v’Amarta: Like & Share, Favorite & Retweet

like-and-shareThe opening verse of Parsha Emor reads: “Say to the Kohanim, sons of Aaron, and tell them…”

Rashi, in his first commentary on this Torah portion asks: Why does this verse repeat Say AND Tell? In Hebrew its Emor v’AmartaRead the rest

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#RabbiAkiva’s Life & Teaching in Tweet-format

Approaching Lag B’Omer this year, we @shabboshouse (on Twitter) wrote a bunch of tweets (all under 140 characters!) about life and teachings of the great Rabbi Akiva. We once did a whole TorahTues class on this using selections from the Read the rest

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3 Little Lag B’Omer Parade Memories & Lessons

When the Rebbe came to America in 1941, (his father-in-law was the Lubavitcher Rebbe at that time) he found a Judaism that was very much in a defensive mode. Public Jewish displays were rare. One of his first bold innovative … Read the rest

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Why would Holy mean Separate?

You guys know me. In the spirit of Chassidic teaching and perspective I like to view holiness within the lens of life, always seeking integration and synthesis, connection is key, finding G-dliness within the everyday and ordinary.  So it’s a … Read the rest
