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From Clogged Head to Renown Rabbi

The local Shomray Torah synagogue on New Scotland Avenue in Albany (affectionately known as “The Shteeble”) often has travelers stopping by on their way to and from Montreal (or other points, in all directions) to join in the prayers.

This … Read the rest

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Chazak in the Rebbe’s Room

This late December Shabbos, with students away on break, we had opportunity to spend a quiet getaway family Shabbos in Crown Heights with Raizy’s parents and 5/8 of our kids (the other 3 at the Jewish Girls Winter Retreat upstate).… Read the rest

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Why the Alter Rebbe’s Yartzeit?

In 1971 Mrs. Bluma Galperin emigrated with her family from Tashkent, Russia to Israel. In 1973 she went to see the Lubavitcher Rebbe in Brooklyn.

There was much to share. The Galperins remained religiously observant despite the great challenges of … Read the rest

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Hakhel at Shabbat360

I really felt a sense of Hakhel at Shabbat360. Hakhel is the biblical year of gathering, every seven years in the Jerusalem Temple, where the king read the Torah to the largest gathering of the Jewish people in order that … Read the rest

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And He Refused Her

This week in Parshat Vayeishev, we read the story of Joseph and his brothers. Eventually, he is sold to Egypt, works in the employ of a Mr. Potifar who likes his work and makes his a manager of his household. … Read the rest

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Reasons to be at #UAlbanyShabbat360 2015

Not that any one really needs a reason to be at a Shabbat dinner celebrating as a campus community – but here are a bunch of reasons we’ve been thinking about (and randomly posting on Facebook) in the lead-up to … Read the rest

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In the biblical story of Jacob’s Ladder in Parshat Vayeitze, G-d tells Jacob, “Ufaratzta!” and that verse is usually translated as “You will spread forth, to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south.” It … Read the rest

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From Many Rocks, One

Most are familiar with the story and image of Jacob’s Ladder, the well-known beautiful biblical imagery of an endless ladder standing down here on earth and reaching up heavenward, with angels going up and down. There’s so much meaning and … Read the rest

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Make Me Delicacies – Sweet and Savory!

Everyone knows the story of Jacob and Rebecca teaming up to trick Isaac out of the blessing intended for Eisav the firstborn. Isaac was blind, he sent Eisav off to hunt for a delicacy and in the meantime Rebecca prepared … Read the rest

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Dipping Dishes into the Pacific

(picture to be uploaded soon)

“Jews in America” is a large coffee-table photo book that we’ve had in Shabbos House for many years now. It is filled with vivid pictures of Jews in America, from big cities to small towns, … Read the rest
