New Years 2018 was our first opportunity to drive a hybrid car, a Ford Fusion Hybrid to be exact. As the Baal Shem Tov taught, and as we are wont to do, here are two life-lessons we learned from our … Read the rest
...We did a whole Torah-Tuesday class on this, all based on this saying from Zeide Moshe Rubin:
He used to say: Tea and Tehillim are always good, but they have to be hot!
Let me explain. In the old-times, no … Read the rest
...One day this Chanukah 2017 I shared two Chanukah stories with my 7th graders at the Maimonides School in Albany. They asked, “Hey, both these stories are about Chanukah in the forest, deep in the woods. How come?” I started … Read the rest
...In the spirit of our “Final-ly Chanukah” theme for Chanukah – Finals Week at UAlbany in 2017, we lit a large “Test-Menorah” made up of 4 types of Chanukah Tests. While they may be harder to read on the circular … Read the rest
Our theme for Chanukah 2017/5778 is “Final-ly Chanukah!” given that this year it falls over Finals Week at UAlbany. We’re doing a “Test-Menorah” decked out in Multiple-Choice, True and False, Essay Questions… and a student asked that each day have … Read the rest
...Being that Chanukah 2017 falls over Finals Week at UAlbany, we’re going with a “Final-ly Chanukah” theme. This year we’re lighting a Test-Menorah on the Podium, with the branches of the Menorah decorated as different types of test … Read the rest
...It so happens that Raizy’s family will be celebrating a Bris and a wedding on the same day this coming week. Thank G-d for Simchas and Mazal Tovs, wishing for many more! As we were sitting around discussing the logistics, … Read the rest
...You know the Chevron symbol? It might be familiar because of the gas company by that name, or because of its common use in military insignia. Merriam-Webster says that the name Chevron comes from the Latin word caper for goat, … Read the rest
The Lei (plastic) flower garlands at our Hawaiian Shabbat made me think of necklaces in general, and wonder about a spiritual relevant life message, a Jewish insight we could come up with about necklaces? or necks? Once I started thinking … Read the rest
...What G-d said or didn’t say to Abraham
The title of this post comes from the opening verse of Lech-Lecha, where G-d tells Abraham to make this journey… to the land I will show you. There are many commentaries on … Read the rest