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Ice Cream Cones as a Visual of the Chain of Spiritual Worlds

Another tweet-storm that developed an interesting visual parable for (aspects of) an abstract lofty Chassidic concepts. Here’s the thread (or the scoop!): 

This #Shavuot I realized how (certain aspects of) the Kabbalistic sequence of spiritual worlds can be visualized in … Read the rest

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A Shavuot Thread: G-d as a Teacher

This is a thread/series of tweets in honor of Shavuot, learning education lessons from the Mount Sinai experience, seeing G-d as a teacher: 

In honor of #Shavuot going to try to bring back an old hashtag (back in ’14?) #GDasTeacher … Read the rest

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#RabbiShimonBarYochai #Rashbi a #LagBaOmer Tweet Collection

As we did with Rabbi Akiva, here’s a tweet storm we did for Lag BaOmer 2019 all about the life and teachings of the great Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. These all began as tweets that we gathered here as Read the rest

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… and UAlbany’s Graduation just before Lag B’Omer

In addition to UAlbany’s 2019 Commencement falling on the minor biblical holiday of Pesach Sheini (see this post for 3 messages learned from that) it also falls a few days before another minor Jewish holiday called Lag B’Omer or Lag … Read the rest

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UAlbany Graduation on Second Passover 2019

It so happens that UAlbany’s 2019 main commencement graduation falls on the minor (but biblical) Jewish holiday called Pesach-Sheini, or the Second Passover. This has to be a pretty rare occurrence, considering how late the regular Passover fell this year, … Read the rest

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Shabbat in Tzfat and Finals Week

It so happens that we scheduled “Shabbat in Tzfat” for Finals Week 2019 at UAlbany. As the Baal Shem Tov taught, there must be a connection and lesson…

Let’s start with Finals Week. Most of you are taking 4 or … Read the rest

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Sola Kokosh and the Kaliver Rebbe

This week, just after Passover, around the time when many remember the Holocaust, the Kaliver Rebbe passed away in Israel at age 96. He and his first wife were both concentration camp survivors. He had a very unique image for … Read the rest

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The Multipurpose Room at UAlbany

One of the most beautiful new spaces in UAlbany’s Campus Center west wing expansion is called “The Multipurpose Room”. My daughter was intrigued by that generic name and asked, “Aren’t all the open spaces in Campus Center considered multipurpose? The … Read the rest

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A Step to Freedom, My Own Exodus

by Rabbi Shlomo Galperin

I was born in the former Soviet Union and raised there by my parents and grandparents. My family persisted in maintaining Jewish and Chabad Chassidic observance in private, despite the Communist attempt to stamp out religion … Read the rest

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A Six-Month Niggun

My father, Rabbi Yisroel Rubin, shared this memory of his youth in Montreal. 

Reb Peretz Mochkin was the Mashpiya, the Chassidic mentor of the Chabad community of Montreal. He was a beloved, wise Chassid, steeped both in the richest Chassidic … Read the rest
