A. Sure. I do that every time I pray, since I wear Tzitzit all the time, but a Tallit only during prayer. It’s recommended!… Read the rest
...A. The Temple had a special basin designed for ritual washing (called the KIYOR) and in one of the processes of ritual purification it says “put spring water on it, in a vessel” (Numbers 19:17). There is also a law … Read the rest
...A. One is certainly enough to fulfill the halachic obligation. The 2nd pair is named “Rabbeynu Tam’s” for the 12th century Rabbi who disagreed with Rashi in the order of the Torah portion placed in the head-tefillin. Both agree on … Read the rest
...A. Actually, it is an old argument between Rashi and Rabbeynu Tam (both French Rabbis at start of the Millennium) if they should be paced vertically or horizontally at the doorpost. The consensus is (and therefore the Halacha) that we … Read the rest
...A. Shofars must be from a Kosher animal. Rams are preferred because they recall the Binding of Issac. Cows’ horns are not considered appropriate because they recall the Golden Calf. Bent (not straight) horns are used, since they symbolize our … Read the rest
...A. (1) “Where there’s Coca-Cola, you’ll find Chabad Lubavitch”. The Rebbe encouraged and inspired his chassidim to take up posts, wherever Jews may be, even in difficult or faraway places. In many far-flung places or small Jewish communities, Chabad may … Read the rest
...A. Peyos, or Peyot. It’s the Hebrew word for Corners, and the word used in the Bible when it says “Don’t cut the corners of your head”.… Read the rest
...A. We don’t. Shofars are taken from Rams who died naturally, or from those slaughtered for food. P.S. No question is ever out of season.… Read the rest
...A. The other way around would be much better. The handwritten parchment scroll IS the Mezuzah, while the colorfully designed box is only an ornamental cover. I can get you a Mezuzah for about $30. It’s worth it.… Read the rest
...A. Cracked, faded or missing letters. Moisture, extreme Temps and time can adversely affect your Tefillin’s condition, so they need to be checked every couple of years. Think of it as a Tune-Up, to make sure all parts are in … Read the rest