A. No doubt, the horrifying horrors of the Holocaust and the magnitude of its devastation leaves much questioning about why bad things happen to good people, and where was G-d, among other such legitimate and oft-asked questions.
But here’s something … Read the rest
...A. How about this analogy: Think of G-d as the god of computing. There are Apple computers and PC’s. Think back to the day when these two systems were more unique and distinct and less compatible (when Macs couldn’t run … Read the rest
...A. You showed me this in the prayerbook “G-d do not rebuke me in Your anger, nor chastise me in Your rage.” That verse is from Psalms 6:1.
Yes, you are right that anger is a very unhealthy emotional response, … Read the rest
...A. As Jewish, 100%! Now, she and her family obviously may see it very differently, but from our perspective, once a Jew is always a Jew. The definition of being a Jew is not defined by practice or observance or … Read the rest
...A. www.JewishWoman.org is a great website with lots of material. The Rebbe often spoke about the unique advantages of feminine spirituality and strongly encouraged the empowerment of women and their vital involvement in Jewish life. One aspect of this was … Read the rest
...A. Miracles aren’t only a matter of convenience – the sea split so Jews could get to the other side. They aren’t mere problem solvers. When G-d interferes with the natural order He created, it is an infusion of Divine … Read the rest
...A. Here are my two of my favorites: (1) “Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore” by Rabbi Manis Friedman (2) “A Return to Modesty” by Wendy Shalit. #1 is richer, deeper & more thoughtful, while #2 is more in touch with the … Read the rest
...A. Depends what you are ashamed about. Being bashful is “a trait of the descendants of Abraham” (Avot 5:19) and “the shame-faced go to Paradise” (Avot 5:20) stemming from humility. It is a sign of sensitivity to be bashful when … Read the rest
...A. Revenge is a subjective, personal, wild form of justice, untempered by objectivity and truth. Often the focus of revenge is a sense of satisfaction or enjoyment, while punishment is about consequence, and a deterrent and hopefully also an attempt … Read the rest
...A. Here’s a parable, quoted in Tanya from the Zohar. An older king had a young, wise son; loyal and handsome. The King hired the finest tutors to educate him, so that when the time would come he would be … Read the rest