A. This wasn’t intended to be a serious interpretation of this food favorite, rather a light and humorous springboard into an important kabbalistical concept. Kabbalah and Chassidic Thought explore in depth: two distinct G-dly Lights or Revelations, used in the … Read the rest
A. First of all, nowadays in the Jewish exile (even in Israel) there are many Mitzvos which we can not fulfill, especially those pertaining to the Temple and many of the laws of Purity. Once we already have a set … Read the rest
...A. Some people think so, but the Rebbe was a big advocate and pioneer for “one Mitzvah at a time.” Each Mitzvah has it’s own merit and spiritual value, so even doing one without another, is very OK. The Rebbe’s … Read the rest
...A. 20 years of age.… Read the rest
...A. This period known as the “Omer” is Biblically the countdown to the eagerly anticipated Revelation at Sinai. That’s joyous. But later, in the times of the Mishna, 24,000 students died in a mysterious plague, during an already difficult time … Read the rest
...A. Talmud Niddah 45b. It is quoted in the name of Rebbe Judah the Prince, who was the editor of the Mishna, close to 1900 years ago.… Read the rest
...A. Back in the days when our calendar was determined by the testimony of witnesses on the sighting of a New Moon, messengers had to be sent to all Jewish communities so that they would know when the new month … Read the rest
...A. Hillel, an famous, early Mishnaic sage said it in Ethics of our Fathers 1:14.… Read the rest
...A. Kosher means Fit. The diet fit for the Jewish people developed by the Chief Spiritual Nutritionist (and His staff). Some people observe all aspects and regulations of the diet, others do some, still others none at all. But in … Read the rest
...A. Peyos, or Peyot. It’s the Hebrew word for Corners, and the word used in the Bible when it says “Don’t cut the corners of your head”.… Read the rest