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Q. How did Jewish Cemeteries end up alongside UAlbany and in front of Crossgates Mall?

A. I’m in my 20’s yet remember clearly (I grew up in Albany) when Crossgates was built. The Uptown University Campus is only up since the very late ’60’s. Some time before that this area was undeveloped country, with lots … Read the rest

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Q. What does Judaism say about Capital Punishment?

A. The Torah enumerates specific offences, both religious and civil, punishable by the death penalty. However as any student of the Talmudic tractate “Sanhedrin” (The Laws of Courts) knows, a myriad of complex conditions must be met for the courts … Read the rest

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Q. I’m going to Hawaii, is there Judaism there?

A. Go to www.Chabad.org and look up the Chabad Lubavitch Rabbi(s) there. The Lubavitcher Rebbe encouraged his Chassidim to take up life-time posts even in the most unlikely or difficult places, wherever Jews may be, so that’s your best bet.… Read the rest

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Q. Rabbi, can you endorse my candidancy? 

A. I endorse you, and your commendable civic involvement, but can’t endorse your running for a specific office. I don’t get involved in these things, don’t take it personal.… Read the rest

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Q. Why do more Jews register as Democrats than Republicans? 

A. This is not an endorsement of either party, only an historical observation (nothing religious about this question). The trend is slowly decreasing, it used to be this way because of several reasons. (1) Jews love social issues (civil liberties … Read the rest

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Q. Do Jewish civil courts operate today in the US?

A. Good point. Part of the Talmud is a huge body of in-depth and complex civil and legal law, and there are Rabbinical courts that judge cases according to this system, even in the US. In fact NYS Courts recognize … Read the rest

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Is it OK for a Jew to celebrate the Millenium?

A. These 2000 years count back to someone Jews don’t believe in. So this number doesn’t have much significance to us. On the other hand, the secular/non-religious hype isn’t traif (non-kosher). Jews love to utilize and channel all neutral things … Read the rest
