A. We’re getting this question more often now from prospective parents. The answer is that we really don’t know. We don’t track denominations. We have little idea of what religious observances students do or don’t keep in the dorm rooms. … Read the rest
...A. The Seder can be a 3-hour experience, sometimes even longer, depending on how its led and run. Some people love it and appreciate it, others maybe not as much. The Seder-within-a-Seder concept allows students who may not be able … Read the rest
...A. Hopefully, you can slowly purchase more Mezuzot. (Remember, the cover is mostly for show, and makes the Mitzvah pretty, but the main thing is the handwritten scroll inside). For now, start with the main entrance door. This is providing … Read the rest
...A. Of course they are. Today the trend is to hyper-specialize, which creates super-experts in particular fields or skills, but it’s also important to be as well-rounded as possible, with exposure to a variety of areas of learning and knowledge. … Read the rest
...A. Well, here’s the official answer from the Code of Jewish Law, we’re supposed to dress-up for prayer – say like we would to greet a king or more likely the way we would dress for a formal job interview. … Read the rest
...A. Technically, you can pray the evening service until slightly before dawn (which isn’t the same as sunrise), which can be anywhere from around 4am-7am depending on the time of year. But the Rabbis in the very first Mishna of … Read the rest
...A. Not yet. It depends on student interest, which seems to be growing a bit. There have been times when students put together a Minyan once or twice a week in the Hillel Office in Campus Center, but it all … Read the rest
...A. For starters here’s a few quotes:
(1) “Those who study AS a child are compared to ink written on fresh paper” – Avot 5:20 (2) “For Israel is young, therefore I love him” – Hosea 11:1 (3) “The studies … Read the rest
A. You can’t really cook Kosher and non-Kosher in the same kitchen (there are some arrangements that may be possible, but would significantly limit one of your cooking). Unless you keep to Kosher rules – the Kitchen equipment won’t be … Read the rest
...A. I’m in my 20’s yet remember clearly (I grew up in Albany) when Crossgates was built. The Uptown University Campus is only up since the very late ’60’s. Some time before that this area was undeveloped country, with lots … Read the rest