Aside for group events, meals, study opportunities & programs, here are a few students services available at Shabbos House (more to be posted soon):
Students who are observant of Jewish holidays should try and speak to their professors and TA’s as early as possible before such conflicts may arise. There are no classes on Rosh Hashanah and Yom-Kippur and during the Passover Seders, but Sukkot or the latter days of Passover can present a conflict for some students. Please be considerate and decent, think ahead, and speak to the professor as early as possible.
Among religious/observant students, some will attend classes on holidays but not write, operate electronics or the like. Others prefer to attend holiday prayers etc and refrain from going to class those days. Both are valid observant approaches, and each student and their families should decide which is appropriate for them. Our Holiday daytime minyans that fall on weekdays are “revolving door” as some students come and go from their classes.
For those who are observant, Rabbi Mendel will write a “religious letter” (as appropriate) that also explains the dates and restrictions of the holidays to give to professors.
Students are welcome to read or borrow books for use in classes, research or personal reading from Shabbos House. Please ask permission first, and make a priority to return them. We have lost quite a number of books over the years due to borrowers who forgot. Rabbi Mendel and Raizy are happy to suggest a Jewish book(s) for student needs and interests. We hope to gradually grow our library over time, as some funds become available.
We live here so someone is home most of the time! If something is on your mind and you’d like to talk it over, we’d be happy to make time. Obviously, not every time will work, if its important to you, we’d like to be here for you. If you need some time away from your room, or need a quiet place to relax or study, maybe the Shabbos House basement can be a good relaxing quiet space for you that’s a change of pace and scenery from campus.