Here’s what we’re doing as a small fundraiser to help those recovering from #HoustonFlood to be #HoustonStrong! You can do this online or in-person, see both options below.


Donate any amount of your choice from 25 cents to 25 dollars (online or in person) any amount – with which we will purchase gift cards at one of these stores:

(1) Amazon  (2) Home Depot  (3) Target  (4) Walmart

We will purchase and send gift-cards to be distributed on the ground in Houston by #ChabadHarveyRelief according to the amounts and stores designated by you the donors. We will tally up the amounts designated for each type of gift card and buy that amount in gift-cards. 

They at Chabad Harvey Relief (including our sister and brother-in-law Chaim and Chani Lazaroff) have been doing some tremendous work down there from the very first day of the storm and are helping a lot of families, with supplies and clean-up and food etc, arranging teams of volunteers and much more… and if sending gift cards (which is the most practical and efficient thing we can send from here) they asked they be in denominations under $50 so they can give them directly to as many families as possible.


We will raffle off one $50 gift-card in the store (Amazon, Home Depot etc) that you all collectively give the most contributions through. 

All donations will go directly to the gift-cards, any other minimal expenses (including the $50 card raffle prize) will be covered separately. 


We will be tabling this Tuesday, September 5th outside the UAlbany Campus Center, also look for our big trike on the Podium at least on Tuesday, possibly also on Thursday. We will have 4 boxes, one for each store and you can give in-person that way. 


Donate at this Shabbos House site via Paypal. In the Notes, be sure to write: HOUSTON (so we know it is for Houston and not for Shabbos House funds) and the name of the store, i.e. Walmart, Target, etc. 

We’d like to send out the cards by the end of this coming week, September 8th so we have under a week to make it happen. In times of crisis we need to each do our share.