This year we once again have these the series of 3-day holidays (2 days of Jewish holiday that run right into Shabbos, for 3-days total of meals, prayers and holiday spirit) starting with Rosh Hashanah and going through the extended Sukkot and Simchat Torah weekends.
In the past we shared the Long and Short of a 3-Day YomTov, (see link for) a story and inspiration that continues to carry us every time we have a 3-day holiday.
In he above story, the Rebbe speaks of a 3-day holiday as a “Chazakah.” This is a legal Talmudic term for repeated patterns that create or affirm the legal standing of a property or behavior. Something that’s thrice repeated, triple-reinforced, over 3-times or 3-seasons etc strengthens the claim or demonstrates the pattern.
More recently, I’ve seen quite a bit of reference to new emerging research on Neuroplasticity how the brain continues to rewire itself. Our choices, behavior, stimuli and experiences, cause old neurological pathways in the brain to deepen or new ones to form. We can not only change behavior, but we can even influence (over time) our tendencies and urges, we can modify our personality and character to some degree! They key is repeated patterns, those desired neurlogical pathways have to be well-traveled and often in play.
This gives new meaning to the 3x Chazakah concept, especially as it relates to character development and personal growth.