A. It really depends on the holiday. Rosh Hashanah is out, because it is observed almost like the Sabbath and besides, the Jewish New Year is a serious time. Purim is a joyous time and there isn’t much restriction, but its a busy one-day holiday with lots to do and celebrate, and most likely not a day to go on rides. Passover is an eight day holiday with four of the days (the two Seder days and the two last days) observed as a Sabbath-like holiday, but the middle four days are great days to go spend quality family time. It’s almost a religious tradition to take kids on trips during Chol HaMoed (the Hebrew name for the four intermediate days of Passover). The only tricky issue is food, because of Passover restrictions which apply throughout the entire eight days. Chanukah is eight days long too, but none of the days have Sabbath-like restrictions. Up here in the wintry Northeast no one thinks of amusement parks in December, but down in the South or out West, it might be a nice time to take a trip to a park. Another good time you did not mention would be Chol HaMoed (4 middle days) of the Sukkot Holiday. Only issue then would be the need for a mobile Sukkah set-up so the kids can have their lunch.