Each year Lchaim produces a short video for the UAlbany Unite video contest. Viewers can give a contribution-vote for the video or group of their choice. Thanks to alumni, students and friends, almost every year L’chaim recieves bonus funding (in addition to the contribution-votes themselves) for most-alumni votes, or most overall contributions etc. One year we purchased a new commercial fridge for Shabbat and Holidays, another year we bought the new sound system for Jamming Nights and lectures.
See this year’s Lchaim video at this link: www.tinyurl.com/LchaimUnite2014
This year’s video is a twist on a song from Frozen, accompanied by pictures from this year at Shabbos House. Thanks to the L’chaim Board for putting this together on their own.
Thanks for your vote for L’chaim! Every contribution is a vote, it can be as little as $5 or $10. Thanks!