Friday, September 13, 2013 – Eve of Yom Kippur
4:30-6pm: Pre-Fast by Hillel in the Campus Center
6:40pm: Kol Nidrei and Evening Service at Shabbos House
Sat, September 14th, 2013 – Yom Kippur Day
9:30am: Morning Prayers at Shabbos House
usually ends before 2:30pm
Hillel will have an egalitarian service at Interfaith Center/Chapel House on Yom-Kippur morning
5:45pm: Mincha Afternoon Service at Shabbos House
6:45pm: Neilah Closing Service
7:51: Final Shofar Blast
Maariv & Havdalah
8pm Break-Fast at Shabbos House
Several Notes: There is no charge, no tickets, no assigned seats. Services are traditional, but open to all, are student-friendly, and explained throughout. There’s running explanation but no sermon or appeal. No dress code, but people tend to dress up a little for the holiest day of the year. Feel free to come for all or part of the prayers, no attendance is taken, come and go at your leisure or comfort level. Kippas are available on the small table in the lobby near the entrance. The Machzor books will be available inside the room as you enter. If there’s no enough books at peak times, you can share. Some copies of “Machzor Notes” (Rabbi Mendel’s accompanying guide) will hopefully be available as well. For traditional services there is a Mechitzah (divider) for men on the right side of room, and women on the left. If you have any questions, feel uncomfortable, need any help etc. please feel free to ask anyone around, or Rabbi Mendel (unless he is serving as cantor at the time), we’re here to help – not to perform.