I checked my phone one morning to get this picture from Elliott W, a UAlbany and Shabbos House alumnus, wearing Tefillin at the South Pole – THE SOUTH POLE!

He later told me that it was 36 degrees below Zero and minus 66 with the wind-chill. He strapped them on just for the seconds to say the Shema!

Is this a first? Either way, a highly unusual and rare occurrence! I asked him if it was OK to post and once we did, it was reposted and shared and went semi-viral in Jewish online circles.

Elliott’s Tefillin at the South Pole is an inspiration to Tefillin-wearing and mitzvah-observance anywhere and everywhere, despite the challenges, regardless of circumstances!

And his Tefillin-wearing and Mitzvah observance in such an distant and remote location, helps further the divine desire for “Dirah B’Tachtonim” to create a dwelling space and home for expressed G-dliness in our world, and in (nearly) every part and aspect of it, as G-d promised Jacob: “And you will burst forth, to the west and east, north and south” And Elliott went as far south as it gets!

One more thing that’s especially inspiring: The fact that he packed his Tefillin! It is essential gear for him!