Purim 2025 falls just as Spring Break starts up at UAlbany. We will have Purim events and celebrations, including 3 Megillah Reading times, but it will be smaller than usual as students head home or away. See flyer for our 4 Purim events.

Home for Purim? Away on Spring Break? Friends don’t let friends miss Purim! Be sure to look up Megillah readings and Purim parties near you!

Be sure to find ways to fulfill (on Purim Day, Friday, March 14, 2025) the 4 wonderful Mitzvot of Purim: (1) hearing Megillah night and day (2) giving gifts of food to at least one friend (3) at least a coin (or minimal amount) to two poor people, or via a charitable org (4) enjoy a spirited joyous festival feast! Plus, aside for the 4 Key Mitzvot of Purim, there are Purim customs like dressing up, graggering Hamans name and making and eating delicious Hamantaschen.

For Purim this year we’re decked out in blue safety vests, with a Purim-smile logo, and our Mishloach Manot (Purim food gifts) come packed in small cardboard boxes with an Amazon-spoof sticker label (nicely created by our son Moshe) with a Purim theme!

Why an Amazon costume? For one, We Deliver. And we do try our utmost to serve the A-Z of Jewish life at UAlbany.

Prime was another inspiration, especially relevant for Purim this year 5785/2025: Yes, it ties into our family costume this year but it is also a message about a Purim on a Friday, a Purim on start of Spring Break, the timing may not seem ideal in many ways, but “Prime Time Purim” reminds us that no matter the circumstance or scheduling or situation – it’s always prime time for a mitzvah! And we ought to give it our prime, to be at our prime!

Love, and have a very happy Purim!

Mendel and Raizy


Rohr Chabad Jewish Student Center
Rabbi Mendel & Raizy Rubin, Directors
320 Fuller Road Albany NY 12203
(518) 438-4227 mail@shabboshouse.com
Mendel: 518-526-0770 Raizy: 518-772-7299